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August 21, 2023

Nordic Blue, the cyanotypes exhibition at Dokfoto (Estonia)

A couple of months ago, Dokfoto gallery in Tallinn asked me to make cyanotype prints out of my b/w negative plates from ‘Man and Nature’ in the Nordic and Baltic Countries. The result is a new exhibition with around 70 cyanotypes in different sizes. They will be visible from August 25th 2023 at the recently renovated and amazing Estonian gallery.
ll analogue UV prints are made at my darkroom at Atelier Nyboder in Copenhagen for the occasion. They portray the rural landscapes and people in their everyday environments met on several trips through the Nordic Countries since 2012 until today.

The exhibition will last until the middle of November.

All the exhibited cyanotypes at Dokfoto Keskus are for sale.  

Juhan Kuusi Dokfoto Keskus

25.08. 2023 – 26.11.2023

Norddalsfjorden. Sunnmøre, Norge (2021)