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July 13, 2021

 “Das Wattenmeer” is now at Multimar Wattforum (DE)

“Das Wattenmeer” is a new documentary project about the landscape and the people on the coast line ond on the islands around the Wadden Sea, on the German and the Danish side. The region, also known as North Friesland and Southern Jutland is a vast area of Europe extremely rich in terms of history, nature and culture . The photographs have been taken during three bicycle trips along the coastline of the Wadden Sea from 2019 until 2021. The selected b/w photographs are going to be exhibited until the middle of the autumn at Multimar Wattforum in the beautiful town of Tönning (DE) .  

The exhibition is kindly supported by Nationalpark Vadehavet (DK), Nationalpark Wattenmeer (DE), Interreg Deutschland – Danmark Kurskultur and Tøndermarsk Initiativet (DK).

“Das Wattenmeer” 

Multimar Wattforum

15.07. 2021 – 31.10.2021

Postman. Langeness, Germany (2021)