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April 21, 2021

Book release and exhibition at  Svendborg Museum (Denmark)

Svendborg Museum is going to exhibit “Ø-Folk” photo documentary about the Danish islands south

of Funen. The exhibition is a collection of photographs taken between 2011 and 2020 in the islands: Drejø, Skarø, Hjortø, Ærø, Langeland, Thurø, Tåsinge, Birkholm, Lyø, Avernakø, Bjørnø and Strynø . At the opening it will be launched the brand new book “Ø-Folk” edited by Svendborg Museum and financially supported by Kulturregion Fyn. In the book, 154 pages, you can find the pictures exhibited 

at the exhibition and some interesting historical culture articles written by Esben Hedegaard, director at Svendborg Museum. It will be possible to purchase the book directly at the museum or through this website.


De Sydfynske Øer

Svendborg Museum

Danmarks Museum for Lystsejlads

30.04. 2021 – 27.05.2021

Girl at Gl. Elemegaard. Drejø, Denmark (2020)