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June 23, 2020

“Out in landscape- Into History” Exhibition at Augustiana Kunsthal (DK)

Out in the Landscape – Into History” is a new photo exhibition about the Danish islands: Als and Broagerland.

The exhibition, 35 b/w photographs printed on silver gelatine paper, is officially part of the celebration of the 100th years anniversary of the reunification of Denmark with Southern Jutland. The motivs are rural landscapes, traditional architecture and most of all portraits of people in their everyday environment. The photographs are taken with a large format analogue camera in 2019 and 2020.

The exhibition is hosted by Augustiana Kunsthal, in the amazing White Palais in Augustenborg.

A special thanks to “Sønderborg Kommune” for supporting this project. 

“Out in Landscape – Into History” 

Augustiana Kunsthal (Denmark)

24.06 – 22.11.2020

Opening on June 24  at 16:00 

Girl with cat, Rumohrsgaard. Als, Denmark (2019)