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March 30, 2019

“Mennesket i landskabet” at Langelands Museum (DK)

The photo exhibition Fyn i det 21. århundrede will soon open at Langelands Museum (Danmark). 

The exhibition is a selection of  around 50 analogue

b/w photographs from Fyn region and the nearby 

islands. All the black and white photographs  taken between 2011 and 2017. 

Langelands Museum is located in the idyllic town of Rudkøbing, one of oldest Denmark best preserved town. At the opening there will be a brief artist talk and a presentation of some of the recent published photo books. 

The exhibition will last for the whole 2019. 

“Mennesket i landskabet – Landskabet i mennesket

Fyn i det 21. århundrede”.

Langelands Museum (Denmark)

April 04 – December 31, 2019

Gammel fisker. Lyø, Danmark

Old Fisherman. Lyø, Denmark.